Reichsparteitag 1938
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Willi kept his 1938 train and bus schedule, which also contained maps of the city of Nuremberg and of the Reich Party Congress Grounds, as a souvenir of his participation in what he considered a truly unforgettable experience. He wrote:
I was one of about 400 Austrian Hitler Youth of the Illegale Zeit (illegal time) who attended the Nürnberg Parteitag, September 1938. We camped at Langwasser near the city, marched on the “Day of the Youth” and looked into Adolf Hitler’s eyes when he walked slowly along our white-shirted frontline. Even today, I can still see his very blue, probing eyes. Next day, Tag der Wehrmacht (armed forces day), we watched a powerful demonstration of Germany’s new Wehr. Heer-Marine-Luftwaffe (army, navy and air force) maneuvered for hours at the giant Mayfield.