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Trude Kriessmann - teacher 1937-39
These are photographs from Willi's younger sister Trude's photo album. She labeled them in her own handwriting (which I can't make out). Many are very small, which was the way it was done at that time, then you could select those you wanted to enlarge. My own parents had a lot of these little black/white approximately 1.5x2.5 inch photos in our family scrapbooks.
The Berghof at ObersalzbergPilgrimage to the Fuehrer's private home in 1937 - the Berghof at Obersalzberg overlooking Austria. |
Hitler's parent's graveA 1937 visit to the Catholic church cemetery at Leonding, Austria where Adolf Hitler's parents are buried. |
Teacher CertificatesTrude was a German teacher in the area of Slovenia, south of Austria, where her mother grew up. |
German uniforms appear in KlagenfurtIn March 1938, the population were glad to see German Police arrive in their main city. |
Curious onlookers are not lackingThe "German" and "Austrian" police and military worked together with civility and common purpose. |
Klagenfurt HitlerjugendThe Klagenfurt Hitlerjugend openly pose at the entrance to their headquarters in 1938. Trude is second from left in front row, wearing white skirt, dark stockings. |
Trude and friendsAround the time of the Anchluss in 1938, everyone is happy. Someone is joking with Trude, at right. |
Feistriz goes on a KdF tripThe hard-working National Socialists in the Kriessmann's village of Feistriz are given a KdF trip already in the summer of 1938. Frau Kriessmann is in dark dress with the arrow pointing to her. Herr K. is standing behind her. |
Summer 1938 Farm HelpThe Klagenfurt Hitlerjugend members help the local farmers. Willi is at the far right. |
Taking a work breakOn the same day as the previous picture. Willi is on left in front with Trude next to him. |
Weihnachten '38Trude (center), Willi (right) and friends celebrate the holy season in December 1938. |
NS Cultural-Educational campIn the summer of 1939, we find Trude as a teacher at a National Socialist camp for young women in the mountains of the Ostmark. |
Idylic setting for learing in 1939Trude is seated to the left of the man wearing white socks and glasses. |
outdoor classroomPleasant surroundings and guest quarters in 1939, plus some men are observing and perhaps speaking. |
Interviews and discussions with Wilhelm Kriessmann conducted by Carolyn Yeager for "The Heretics' Hour" between March 2010 and November 2011.